Monday, November 3, 2008

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Outside view of VA Museum of Fine Arts

Interior View of Mackintosh Chair.

Upon my visit to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, I notice the outside structure is reminiscent of many neo-classical relief type buildings prevalent throughout much of Virginia. Much like Monticello, the campus of the University of Virginia, and many of the buildings in downtown DC, the Museum of Fine Arts compliments these buildings that follow the aesthetic imposed by Jefferson.

The purpose of my visit to Virginia, other than stealing some of my Nona's coveted recipes, is to view the Charles Rennie Mackintosh chair in its element. The halls are brightly and warmly lit with yellow light and sparkling floors that look like reflective pools. Inside, I find the different rooms that house many of the Museum's important collections.

The Museum itself was built to expand upon what the National Gallery of Art displayed in their Art Deco, Art Nouveau, and Modern/Post-Modern collections. I find the chair within the art deco wing of the museum. It sits nestled among other pieces of fine craftsmanship that display the many trends and influences that were so singularly nuanced of that period. The glossy design of the chair, with it's polished ebony wood, colored glass and sharp angles give it edge as it sits among its counterparts within the room. The sheer splendor of the Classical style only serves to cushion the chair within its atmosphere. However, to contrast the piece with it's current setting, the Neo-Classical relief almost serves to hold the chair back from the regalia it might achieve in a more minimalist setting. The dark colors of the chair alone might do well in a mostly white, stark environment, or one with more modern pieces of furniture. In either capacity, the chair is adequately displayed for the public to enjoy.


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