Sunday, November 30, 2008

ThE liNeN PrEsS: pLaCe ~ Ashley Blackburn

Pressing Past The Bedroom Wall

Worldly impact, an idea that one may come across when thinking of a worldwide embrace of a particular style, or a huge new advance in the ever so changing technology. However, although a linen press may not necessarily be one of the top ideas that come to mind, I believe it has greatly impacted our world. Of course there is the obvious need for storage, which is required by people everywhere. By fulfilling this need, the linen press is transforming the type of lifestyle that one may partake in, thus determining what type of place would allow for any such way of living. Judging by the furniture’s main function, providing extra storage (mainly for linens and more than likely, seasonal items), it’s easy to assume that this piece of furniture was not absolutely necessary, especially if those residents who were less fortunate could get along without it. It is my assumption that not every homeowner had a linen press present in the house. The linen press was one of arts and crafts style, which translates into hand craftsmanship and a costly price tag. This all just equates down to the simple fact that people living in poorer areas would, more than likely, had to make do with the basic storage pieces they did have, for example a trunk or dresser. The linen press is a great example of excess. Yes, even some furniture can be rather unnecessary. It points out the lagging drive to always want more. The linen press acts as separate storage for seasonal clothes/linens where a dresser or other cabinet would have done the job just as well.
Remaining in the realm of the upper class, this particular linen press was said to stay within the Whitehead family for the duration of its lifetime. The Whitehead family was responsible for the formation of the Byrdcliffe Arts and Crafts Colony. Being the head of the colony, the Whitehead’s linen press was kept in a place of high quality, creativity, and wealth. The actual place setting that the house resided, which contained the bedroom, that stored the linen press, who held the linens, was near Woodstock, NY.

Similar: The brass and copper coal scuttle, I believe has the same connotations about it as an object as that of the linen press. They both serve a function, however, they also both could be replaced by simpler and more basic items to perform those same functions. Although they are both effective, the linen press could be replaced by a dresser; and the coal scuttle could be exchanged with just a simple pal.

Contrasting: Opposite of mine, the Sheraton Tilt Top Dining Table, could not be replaced by any other piece of furniture. At most, the replacement would actually lose effectiveness in its functional capabilities.

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